Carropools expand product categories and product lines.

In order to address growing demand for bespoke one piece pools in all market segments, Carropools have launched new distinct product categories and new product lines.
- New product categories : 100% bespoke swimming pools, wellness pools and swimming ponds.
- New product lines : Exclusive line, Silver line, Basic line and SK.line
100% Bespoke swimming pools
In the high end market segment (pool project budgets of 85K and higher) in UK and EU, Carropools address the growing demand for bespoke one piece skimmer, overflow and infinity overflow swimming pools.
Additionally for the high end swimming pool market segment, Carropools have secured exclusive distribution partnership with Belgian manufacturer T&A for the AquaMove movable swimming pool floors which can be installed in one piece pools.
While pool builders selling in the mid market range (pool project budgets of 60 - 85K) require easy to sell and easy to install essential models. With new product lines for skimmer swimming pools (Silver, Basic line and SK.line) Carropools are helping pool builders to win and sell more projects in this segment.
100% Bespoke wellness pools (SPA)
In the high end market segment for bespoke spa and wellness products, Carropools are launching a complete range of 100% bespoke wellness pool (SPA) models and options.
The endless options to design, manufacture and install a bespoke wellness pool help spa resellers and swimming pool constructors to sell more and deliver faster with the same installation team, while remaining unique in their product offering. In the definition of Carropools, a wellness pool is mainly used to relax and limited in size (up to 3,9 mtrs in length and width). It can be installed in or above the ground.
100% Bespoke swimming ponds
A product type addressing the growing demand from end customers looking for natural water filtration and pond type look. The one piece swimming pond concept allows maximum flexibility in design combined with fast installation.
Pool, spa and pond resellers and builders in UK can contact Carropools directly