Exhibitor Press Releases

Lovibond Tintometer November Press Release

Lovibond Tintometer November Press Release

Lovibond HSG 282 - Hot Tub Test Kit with Online Training Included

If you have a Hot Tub which is available

for guests, or for hire, it is your responsibility to ensure it is compliant

and safe. At Lovibond we have created a Hot Tub Test Kit and FREE

Online Staff Training to make testing quick, easy and take the stress

out of compliance.

HSG 282 - Hot Tub Test Kit

One kit includes all the tools and training you need:

• Photometers, Comparators & TDS pens

• Test logs and guidelines

• Tests for Free, Total & Combined Chlorine

• Tests for Bromine & Total Dissolved Solids (TDS)

• Access to FREE Online Staff Training course - in just 40 minutes

your staff will understand why they are testing, correct sampling

procedures, how to use the equipment, and gain an overview of

pH, TDS, Chlorine and Bromide





