SPATA AND BISHTA NEWS - 30th June 2021

SPATA has been featured in an article by the online magazine GardeningEtc, which requested advice from SPATA for practical tips and advice on designing a home swimming pool.The article also features images from some of this year's SPATA award winners, XL Pools, NIVEKO, Mermaid Pools, Origin Leisure, New Dawn Pools and Centurion Leisure, picked by the magazine from the online SPATA awards gallery. Click Here to read the article.
Why not enter this year's British Pool & Hot Tub Awards hosted by SPATA and BISHTA, and your company could reap the rewards of press and media coverage generated by SPATA, such as the example above. Entry to the awards opens soon; prepare now by starting to collate hi-res images of your projects captured at their best in the sunshine!
Regardless of your size or development stage, every business owner has to comply with many forms of business regulation, ranging from the obvious like taxation and employment law to the less apparent things such as data protection, health & safety and contractual law. We work closely with the Federation of Small Businesses and they exist to help business owners navigate the pathway to being compliant through advice, support, the documentation needed and even protection for when things do go wrong. So instead of having to deal with separate Solicitors, HR and Health & Safety professionals, they do it all for you. If you would like to find out more, please email Tim Brock or you can speak to him on 07594 638521.
HSE routinely publishes annual statistics on health and safety in Great Britain.
Available in A3 size, this new poster visualises the key statistics for the construction sector in an infographic style, allowing site managers and health and safety professionals to educate their workforce in a quick and easy way about the consequences of poor health and safety.
The poster shows the overall picture for the construction industry in Great Britain 2020, including statistics on:
- fatal and non-fatal injuries
- working days lost due to work-related ill health
- work-related stress, depression, and anxiety
- work-related musculoskeletal disorders
- occupational lung diseases, cancer cases and deaths from exposure to asbestos and respirable crystalline silica
- the annual costs of work-related injury and ill health
It also highlights three key steps to protect the health of Britain’s builders. The poster can be purchased here & more detailed health and safety statistics can be found on their website.
The end of the furlough scheme is only a few months away. Many businesses have been reliant on the scheme to stay afloat during the pandemic, but now it’s being phased out. With the final deadline on 30th September 2021, Croner have put together a few steps to make sure your business is ready for the day when support is no longer available…... You can view their 'top tips' here
Times have changed – and for many employees this means that where they work from has also changed. Wherever your employees are based, find out more about paying expenses including mobile phones, internet and workplaces.
You can ask questions throughout the webinar using the on-screen text box.
Expenses and benefits for employers – trivial benefits: Using examples, the HMRC will look at what counts as a small or trivial benefit, whether it needs to be reported and what your responsibilities are.
Register here
Expenses and benefits for employers – if your employees have more than one workplace: This webinar looks at various workplaces, including permanent and temporary, depots, business journeys and homeworking.
Register here
Expenses and benefits for employers – phones, internet and homeworking: They will show you how to deal with tax and National Insurance when you provide an employee with a mobile phone, internet connection or homeworking expenses.
Register here
You can also try their 'Expenses and benefits from employment toolkit' – useful for both agents and employers dealing with employee expenses and benefits in kind.