SPN (Swimming Pool News) magazine is the longest running and most respected trade title for the UK wet leisure industry.
SPN is acknowledged as an essential source of information on new and practical aspects relevant to the sector from the trade/professional point of view. As the leading source of up-to-date, high quality information for both commercial and domestic markets, SPN provides comprehensive, independent features, news coverage and reporting in each and every issue.
Published bi-monthly, each issue features a wide range of subjects including swimming pools, spas, hot tubs, swim spas, saunas, chemicals, accessories and more. In short, SPN covers the whole wet leisure industry in the UK.
Informing the pool and spa industry since 1959, SPN is read by a wide range of professionals including manufacturers, distributors, suppliers, owners, operators, architects, designers, installers and retailers.
SPN works closely with industry partners too including the BSPF, BISHTA, SPATA, SPATEX and the STA.
As the UK's official trade magazine, if you're involved in the UK wet leisure industry, make sure you are receiving a subscription copy or alternatively, anyone can read our virtual edition online for free.
First published under the name Swimming Pool Review, SPN magazine has, down the years had a few names… and a few more owners but it has always offered something unique…
...it remains the only publication to have stood side by side with the swimming pool and spa industry through its good times and difficult times – in fact for 50 years. (To read more about the history of the magazine, click here.)
Since our April 2010 edition, SPN has incorporated Pool & Spa Industry, the magazine launched several years prior by the BSPF – a move which has meant a single official magazine is able to carry the information the industry wants and needs – ideal for both advertisers and readers alike!
The licensing of Pool & Spa Industry raises funds and means that we are the only trade magazine that is re-investing in the industry that it serves.
While still retaining full independence, each issue of SPN carries news, views and opinions from the BSPF, SPATA, BISHTA, SPATEX and the PIP committee. In addition, essential Pool Plant information is carried from the STA.
SPN is circulated on a subscription basis and has a powerful reader base among local authority pool managers and operators, independent leisure centre managers, other commercial pool owners, hotels, private pool owners, architects, pool engineers, builders, designers and industry professionals. Its growing circulation now includes all aspects of the developing spa, hot tub and wellness industry too.
SPN covers all aspects of the industry and highlights the key products and solutions used across the wet leisure sector. The design and construction of pools, spas and other wellness options, maintaining water quality, efficient operation are all covered. In short, our regular news items and features are crucial in helping the trade and industry professionals to deal with day-to-day issues of rising costs, the pressure to save energy, how to control both indoor and outdoor operating environments and what the best options are in terms of new products and technologies.
Jon Wadeson - jon@aqua-publishing.co.uk
Tony Weston on +44 (0)1474 813433 / tony@aqua-publishing.co.uk